Let's spend a wild evening together… Or even longer. Hi I am Elena, and I should be your escort when you're in Chicago. I can be your companion for a night, a week, or your entire stay here. I can tell you're into me. You clicked on my page which means you like the way I look. I don't blame you my ass is pert, my tits are gorgoues and soft, and my legs are perfectly toned. I love to go to the gym so that my clients can have the best experience possible. I get a rush when they see my body in person. They love the way my tits move around while I'm stripping for them. The way my ass jiggles and bounces. Let's just say my body moves in ways you've never seen. I hope I get to show you.
I can give you a nice erotic massage if you want something a little more low-key. My hands know how to release whatever tension you're holding. Whatever the body part is you'll experience a release you didn't know was possible. I want you to know that I'm more than just a sexy body though. I can't wait to engage you in conversation over a great meal. You'll love my witty banter and intelligent thoughts. I'm great in every situation too. Take me out to meet your boss or friends. I guarantee they'll love spending time with me and wish I was going home with them. Don't you worry though there's only one person I'm going home with and that's you. Don't you want to be the envy of all your friends? I can't wait to make that happen for you.
Let's make some memories you didn't know were possible. I'm here to make whatever fantasy you have come true. No matter how tame or dirty it is I’m the girl for you. I'm flexible in every sense of the word and can't wait to make you happy. I truly believe I'm in the business of making people happy and if I don't make you happy I haven't done my job. That has never been an issue for me. I know it won't happen with you. Let me pamper you and treat you like a king while you're in Chicago. No other escort in Chicago will do what I will do. So pick up the phone give me a call and experience it for yourself.
CALL NOW! (312) 476-9924